where self-discovery

and Chinese Medicine meet.

a narrative approach to Chinese Medicine


A fully integrated medicine is not just the blend of East meets West but an integration of the sciences, arts, and humanities. Medicine must go beyond what is encapsulated into a pill. Healing can be found in the stories, and more significantly, the evolution of the stories we tell about our health and illness. Narrative inquiry helps identify patterns of stagnation, excess, or deficiency within our stories.

Journaling prompts based on the theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can provide a framework of healing that goes beyond the treatment room. Journaling, viewed as a self-intake the patient can do on their own time, both enriches and accelerates the work done in the treatment session.

Writing prompts are guideposts to help patients develop and explore stories of the self. By employing the principles established in the field of Narrative Medicine and blending this with Five Elements and Classical Chinese Medicine theory, journal prompts facilitate the unfolding and expansion of one’s illness narrative. These prompts are offered in relation to the 24 solar terms upon which the “Five” seasons are based upon. Through curated seasonal journal prompts, patients are encouraged to match the energetic qualities of the season while at the same time using reflective writing as a therapeutic tool to address the root cause of their illness and their illness narratives.

My goal is to amplify the effectiveness of TCM theory while remaining moored to TCM’s cultural and Taoist roots. I aim to inspire and create a patient population that is more attuned to the natural world, its seasons, and the cyclical rhythms of seasons within.

The “with the seasons” brand seeks to create TCM educational information that is easy to understand, relatable, and encourages and sparks the curiosity of those who have yet to discover the vast benefits Acupuncture and Chinese Herbal Medicine can provide.

Sarah Siegel

( she / her )

Doctoral Candidate of Acupuncture

And Chinese Herbal Medicine

Throughout Sarah’s childhood, academic, and career endeavors - one thing has been constant - storytelling is at the forefront. With a background in theatre, a degree in Communication Arts, and over 10 years of experience working as a Creative Director in arts and education, Sarah aims to take her Narrative Chinese Medicine approach mainstream. She strongly believes the medical profession greatly benefits when artists become healers.

With a sense of humor, a big heart, and a personal history of overcoming PTSD - Sarah welcomes those who carry a heavy story to her treatment room. Each season of our lived experience needs to be honored, held, and expressed by telling and evolving our stories.





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Sarah is taking a break from treating patients

to complete her dissertation.

She splits her time between the Bay Area and

Los Angeles, California. A clinic update will be available at the beginning of 2024.